From Detroit to Germany, Japan, and Korea, within the incumbent automotive industry there is amplifying conversation about the magnitude, extent and timing of the disruption that will result from the introduction of autonomous and driverless vehicles. This disruption will be the result of several important shifts in how consumers approach personal mobility, the changing attitudes toward car ownership, and how corporations see the role of logistics in real-time supply chains.

The disruption will lead to a new hybrid mobility model that will blend car ownership with on-demand transportation access. It will be driven by technology innovations that will be combined with novel business models. Autonomous, Connected and Electrified (ACE) vehicles and Mobility Services, such as ride-hailing, will be at the center of this disruption.

Big data generated inside and outside ACE vehicles and the exploitation of that data by AI technologies are key ingredients in this next generation of mobility. Together they offer a unique and still overlooked value creation opportunity. The book presents a strategy for capitalizing on the opportunities presented in our driverless future through the combination of startup innovations with corporate innovation efforts.